A Heads-up to Bodyshops
Employers need to be aware that year 11 students will be leaving school in a few months, which means there will be young people ready to dive into the world of work very soon. So, if you are looking to recruit an apprentice, now is a good time to put your vacancies out there.
We need to find the next generation of Painters, Panel Beaters, METs, etc. by attracting school leavers into the body repair sector. However, as you will be aware, most businesses are currently suffering major staff and skills shortages, running the risk of our industry being overlooked by others with a more enticing image.
The industry needs to promote itself so that when these young people leave school, we have a fighting chance of being on their list. But, you need to get to these school leavers before other companies do.
Steve Shaw, Director of Ingenia Recruitment, said: “Bodyshops need to be pro-active and it’s very simply, contact your local schools and ask who is responsible for careers guidance. Offer the school, or interested individuals, the chance to visit your workshop to see what goes on and the exciting careers available. Schools typically break up for 2 weeks at Easter, so make that contact now and offer an appointment during the holidays. If anyone does visit, be sure to be prepared for them and give them the VIP treatment.”
NEMTA (North East Motor Trade Apprenticeships) is a website dedicated to helping employers find quality apprentices for independent workshops/bodyshops and franchised dealerships. Get your vacancies seen on NEMTA today.