It’s Time for the Motor Trade to Connect with Schools

Now is the time that businesses need to connect with schools to raise awareness of the exciting career opportunities this industry has to offer to this year’s school leavers, before they are attracted into further education or other business sectors.

After all the work we have done in schools with NEMTA (North East Motor Trade Apprenticeships), we know that teachers and students don’t understand the career opportunities that we offer in the motor trade. If we don’t change their views, businesses will not get the best quality applicants in the future. Therefore, we need to be working with schools now to enlighten them.

By organising workplace visits, industry talks and facilitating work experience, young people are able to experience what goes on in the industry, creating another pathway for them to consider as a career.

Steve Shaw, Director of Ingenia Recruitment, said: “There are not enough good quality applicants for apprenticeships in the motor trade. In reality, communicating with this year’s leavers is too late, as many will already have been talked into going into further education. We need to be actively engaging with people as young as 12 and 13. I know for a fact that many people are advised to go into Sixth Form or onto College, when in many cases, an apprenticeship would be a better route.

If dealers and bodyshops don’t promote their business to young people, why would anyone be surprised when other businesses who do, get all the best applicants.”

NEMTA have a database which currently holds contact details of over 800 young people who have expressed an initial interest in apprenticeships in the retail motor industry.

Businesses need to take responsibility, promote who they are, connect with schools and don’t leave it until the last minute. Managers may claim that they have not got time for such activities, but look at the skill shortages we have now because they have not done so in the past.

Anyone wanting further advise can contact Steve on 0191 4155010.