As you may already know, getting a job is extremely competitive these days. Increase your chances of getting the job with our expert 1-2-1 interview training. You will benefit from our extensive experience and expertise, giving you the advantage over other applicants.
You will be surprised how quickly your confidence can be dented upon losing your job, especially if you have worked for the same employer for many years. Talking to a professional who understands your situation can be immensely helpful.
Package 1 includes:
Price = £112.50 + VAT
If you would benefit from a further 2 x 30min interview prep sessions before your interview, take a look at package 2.
Package 2 includes:
Price = £150 + VAT
You may already have a great CV or an interview lined up, but need some coaching or guidance on how to come across well on the day.
We can fulfill your needs by creating a tailored package to suit your needs.
Price = £45.00p.h. + VAT