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The Get Hired Scheme

As you may already know, getting a job is extremely competitive these days. Increase your chances of getting the job with our expert 1-2-1 interview training. You will benefit from our extensive experience and expertise, giving you the advantage over other applicants.

What we offer:

1-2-1 Confidence Assessment

You will be surprised how quickly your confidence can be dented upon losing your job, especially if you have worked for the same employer for many years. Talking to a professional who understands your situation can be immensely helpful.

CV Review

CVs should be personal and their purpose is to get you an interview, not get you a job. As such, your CV is a reflection of you. Most of the CVs we see on a daily basis range between adequate to appalling. Having someone review yours with you will enhance your chances of being selected for an interview.

Job Search Review

You may think it is simple to search for a job, but it is amazing how difficult some people make it, often falling at the first hurdle. Let someone who posts jobs show you the most effective way to find your next one.

Best Way to Apply For a Job

There are numerous jobs boards on the internet, but are these the best way to apply for a job? There are other ways that most people don’t think of.

Mock Interview

Interviews can be a nerve wracking experience, especially if you have not had one for a number of years. On top of this, many initial interviews may be conducted online, which adds in a whole new set of considerations. We will take you through this process in a ‘safe’ environment.

Interview Feedback

How many of us realise how we come across to others? This section of the programme can be a real eye opener. Do you fidget? Do you ‘er’ in every sentence? What is your body language telling others? This is your chance to find out.

Pre-interview Confidence Builder

So you have applied for a job and been granted an interview, this can ramp up the nerves. Let us settle your nerves before you attend the interview. We will review the job advert, discuss the questions you may be asked, consider which parts of your career are most relevant, discuss how to approach the interview and generally boost your confidence.

Tailored Packages

Unlike many programmes, we are aware that one size rarely fits all. We are adaptable to everyone’s needs, no matter how great or small. Individuals may only want their CV reviewing, or may have just been made redundant and need some general guidance, or a professional to talk to. No matter what, we can provide the help you need.


Package 1 includes:

  • An initial consultation.
  • A CV review.
  • A mock interview.
  • Feedback.
  • An action plan.

Price = £112.50 + VAT

If you would benefit from a further 2 x 30min interview prep sessions before your interview, take a look at package 2.

Package 2 includes:

  • An initial consultation.
  • A CV review.
  • A mock interview.
  • Feedback.
  • An action plan.
  • An additional 2 x 30min interview prep sessions for specific jobs.

Price = £150 + VAT

You may already have a great CV or an interview lined up, but need some coaching or guidance on how to come across well on the day.

We can fulfill your needs by creating a tailored package to suit your needs.

Price = £45.00p.h. + VAT